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Programs Day 2022!

Join us on Saturday, October 22, 9:30-2:15, for our fall programs day. You'll have the opportunity to get prepared and inspired to promote and program upcoming concerts, through three exciting sessions. You can also meet and greet other members over coffee and lunch. 


Session #1:  Live Streaming and Posting Online Videos of Choral Music Performances: Legal Requirements and Logistics for Procuring Necessary Permissions

  • Program Description: In this session, music publishing and copyright attorney, Rob Monath, will review, in basic terms, the legal requirements and publisher permissions needed to enable a choir to livestream a choral music concert performance, and, optionally, thereafter, to archive such recorded video performance for subsequent viewing on an organization’s website or third-party online video hosting platform, such as YouTube. In addition, this session will examine blanket licensing in the context of worship services through annual subscription programs such as and CCLI.

  • Duration: 90 minutes 

    • Bio: Visit Rob Monath's website â€‹

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Session #2: NYCC Diversity in Action: Choral Composer Resource Discussion

  • Program Description: The New York Choral Consortium has added a database resource for groups looking for works by composers of color to its diversity page. The work is an update to Dr. Marques Garrett’s "Beyond Elijah Rock" composer and repertoire list. Mary Daugherty, who is a DMA student in conducting at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, was recommended for this project by Dr. Garrett. Mary will join us for this session to speak about using the database, her ongoing work with it and other related topics.

  • Duration: 30 minutes










Session #3: SANCTUARY ROAD: an Oratorio about The Underground Railroad

  • Program Description: Composer, Paul Moravec, will join us to introduce Sanctuary Road: an Oratorio about The Underground Railroad, drawing on William Still’s book, The Underground Railroad, which documents the network of secret routes and safe houses used by African American slaves to escape into free states and Canada during the early- to mid-1800s. This session will include a discussion with Moravec and a read-through of at least one of the movements.

  • Duration:  2 hours

  • Bio: Visit Paul Moravec's website




  • 9:30 - doors open (coffee provided)

  • 10:00 - Licensing session

  • 11:30 - NYCC Diversity in Action: update on resources with our intern

  • noon - Lunch Break - pizza, salad, and drinks provided

  • 12:45 - Sanctuary Road with composer Paul Moravec

  • 2:15 - adjourn


Synod House at St. John the Divine - Amsterdam Ave. @ W. 110th St.

We look forward to seeing you there!




The New York Choral Consortium      c/o Brandau     373 Bleecker St. Apt 2AD  New York, NY  10014

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